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Bientôt disponible ! Facepaint Australie
Bientôt disponible ! Facepaint Australie

La préférée des artistes professionnels du visage et du corps dans le monde entier ! FPA est une peinture pour le visage et le corps hautement pigmentée, à base d'eau, respectueuse de l'environnement et d'origine australienne, disponible dans les gammes Essential, Metallix et Neon. Les artistes de renommée internationale Dutch Bihary, Jenny Saunders, Kristin Olsson, Lynne Jamieson, Nick Wolfe, Sally-Ann Lynch et Sarah Asker aiment tous peindre et créer avec Face Paints Australia.

Workshops @ Facepaintshop
Workshops @ Facepaintshop

Did you know we take care of your education too ? We organise great international workshops with the best artists and from all over the world. They teach you all about fast fun faces, one stroke, Halloween and many more themes as they are very experienced painters.

Step-by-step Dragonmask
Step-by-step Dragonmask

With Badass stencils and our Facepaintshop brushes you can create an impressive dragonmask in a few easy steps.

Step-by-Step Spring Mask
Step-by-Step Spring Mask

Get into spring - fashionably - with your selfmade spring-mask! Everybody can do this with the right materials. What do you need? Continue reading.

New ! Art Facepaint Stencils
New ! Art Facepaint Stencils

These facepainting stencils were designed by artists for artists to add some art and love to their kit

How to choose your face paint base?
How to choose your face paint base?

The question we've probably heard over more than a 1000 times: what base do I need for my face painting idea? Let us help you! We're going to explain the big 3 as easy as possible.

Articles 1 à 6 sur 16 au total

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